The Mexican Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) is working hard to achieve its goal of making Mexico the fifth most visited country in the world. In 2024, 45 million international tourists visited Mexico, representing an increase of 7.4% compared to 2023.
During the 60th Ordinary Assembly of the Union of Tourism Secretaries of Mexico, Sectur head Josefina Rodríguez Zamora highlighted the importance of maintaining a united and strengthened sector to achieve this goal.
She underlined the importance of working together to diversify and promote Mexico’s tourist attractions as a powerful engine of shared prosperity. The benefits of this activity reach every member of the production chain, always with an emphasis on communities.
To strengthen the presence of the Mexican brand abroad, the secretary of tourism signed a letter of intent preliminary to the Agreement for the Non-Exclusive Use License of the Mexico Brand with the 32 state tourism secretaries, which “will allow each state and destination to use the strength of the country, enhancing its own identity and raising its position in international markets.”
Accompanied by Sectur representatives, Zamora presented the tourism strategy implemented by the current administration as well as strategies and initiatives to redistribute economic benefits generated by this effort to native peoples, Afro-descendants, and resident communities.
Undersecretary of Tourism Sebastián Ramírez Mendoza, head of the economic, cultural, and social revival, presented the actions enabling the recovery of the port, as well as the national strategy for tourism, sustainability, and investment.
Additionally, the President of Asetur and the Secretary of Tourism for the state of Quintana Roo, Bernardo Cueto Riestra, emphasized all state secretaries of tourism’s commitment to contribute and continue working on the consolidation of Mexico as a tourist power.
Related: Mexico Sees Surge in International Tourists, with 1.9 Million Arrivals in January